Posted by: runuphill | July 5, 2010

Hardrock 2010

Pat and Mindy hiking up Red Mtn #1

Ah yes, the San Juans in July, nothing can compare.  Mindy, Pat, Ryan and I are enjoying the high mountain air, clear skies, temps in the 60-70s, and the occasional and very sporadic rain storms.  On the drive down from SLC we went up to La Sal pass in the La Sal mtns (outside Moab), and climbed up Mount Tukuhnikivatz.  What a stellar time of year, perfect weather, and amazing views; it was one of the sweetest panoramas I’ve ever seen.  Next, onto the San Juans.

We drove to Telluride, where we spent a few hours and inquired about the kayaking options.  In Colorado, it helps to be a solid 5+ boater….  So, onto Ophir and up to the Pass.  We wandered up to Crystal Lake and watched as the sun began to set.  What an amazing small, and rarely visited lake given how close it is to a major dirt road.  We made camp just off the pass at a great little site.  A small single-track leads out to an amazing cabin under construction.  Turns out that the owner Bob Kingsley is building a new winter ski yurt.  Trust me, this will be amazing when it is done (supposedly this fall).  See for more info.

The next morning we drove into Silverton and then up to Red Mtn Pass at just under 13,000′.  We all summited Red Mtn #1, and I did a sweet scree descent off the west side.  Then we ran the ridge over to Red Mtn #1, which like we were on Mars.  The rock is so red in sections from the iron oxide that it really feels out of this world.  And the contrast with the surrounding mountains, which are anything but red, makes it that much more unique.

Today (Monday), Mindy and Pat went up to Grant Swamp Pass and then ran backwards on the course over to the KT aid station.  Ryan and I carted up six 4×8′ sheets of drywall and two 62 lb buckets of drywall mud up to the Opus Hut to help Bob out.

Pics of the trip thus far here.

More to come…


  1. Nice work Jared! Congrats!

  2. Jared, so whats up how was your weekend? anything interesting 🙂

    Friggin Studdddd way to Close out HR and get First, Congrats Bro. I spoke with Becky last night and very happy for you.

    Recover well and ENJOY it, U deserve It!!

    Tell Ryan Congrats on his HR Finish also!

    This Florida Flat lander was getting winded just looking at the HR100 photos – lol

    \_/~ \_/ Cheers!!

  3. There are no words to describe how happy I am for you. Enjoy this awesome moment Jared, you have more than earned it!!!

  4. You’ll be hunted from now on. Congrats! that is so cool.

  5. JARED! we just heard the news….you are such a rockstar. We’re proud to know you 🙂 Sounds like a great race, would love to hear about it.
    Congrats again!
    Jon & Kelly Frederick

  6. The Load & Master has pulled it off! Congrats again brother, I wish I were down there to celebrate with you.

  7. I am so psyched that I hardly know what to write! Congratulations!! 1st place at the Hardrock!! Way to go. We love you!!

  8. Classic! And dang, sure brings back memories!

    Hope either you or Ryan runs in those pants he has on.

  9. Nice work on the weight training!

  10. Looks like some good prep going on! We’ll be heading down Friday to catch the festivities. Any tips on high quality car camping outside of Silverton would be much appreciated…if ya got the time that is :). Enjoy the San Juans!

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